Wilderness touches the heart, mind and soul of each individual in a way known only to himself.
We had fewer elk hunters this year than previously due to the preference point creep for general special elk. However, our 2021 elk season was a tremendous success! I want to thank the guys and gals who made it all possible. We had the amazing privilege this year of helping some first time elk hunters punch their first tag, what a gift! There are parts of a hunter that get unlocked when we go to the mountains, survive the challenges, and bring home the animal of our dreams. This year we also had the privilege of sharing camp with some longtime returning clients. We appreciate you ALL greatly.
The weather for 2021 started out perfect for successful elk hunting, cold and snowy. Our hunters were ALL chasing big Wyoming general season bulls. We sported a high harvest and opportunity rate. We also killed a true giant bull for our area! Check out the blog for the entire 3 year story of hunting this bull we named “Brutus”.
If you have interest in hunting some of the bulls that got away this year, we would love to talk with you! Please be warned, hunting giants on public land is one of the pinnacles of challenge in the hunting world today! They don't get really big by being easy to kill. You must come ready for challenge, mentally as well as physically. You must come ready to shoot quickly in rough mountainous terrain! Hunting giants on public ground is not for everyone. Call us to talk about the bulls that got away and book your future hunt.