Wilderness touches the heart, mind and soul of each individual in a way known only to himself.
Below are the bucks that NTO harvested during the 2023 hunting season. One of these bucks we have been hunting for 3 years. The first year we hunted him he was over 30 inches wide and we estimated him in the low 190’s. Another great typical buck was taken by a father and son with an amazing story to go with it. Many of these amazing hunt stories and adventures are vivid examples of our hunters and guides trusting that God would provide. All of these bucks were an answer to prayer. God gave us exactly what we needed for 2023. Our crew again gave their personal ALL for each and every client.
The 2023 mule deer season was worse than we expected it to be. All of the rumors about a massive die off were completely accurate. I think it’s fair to say that we lost 60-80 percent of the Wyoming Range mule deer herd to mortality during the 2022-2023 winter.
The million dollar question is, what can be done? There are some steps that each of you can take that would help this herd at this crucial time.
1. Compel the Wyoming Game and Fish to do accurate winter deer counts. Right now the Game and Fish counts the deer using an algorithm, so they don’t actually count every deer, they estimate using a small sample size. Better data on deer numbers would certainly result in better information and management of the deer that we have.
2. Compel the Wyoming Game and Fish to severely limit tag numbers in this area. Currently, the Wyoming resident can purchase a general deer tag over the counter and can hunt any open unit in the state with that tag. In addition to that, there are —- nonresident tags issued each year for Region G and —- nonresident tags issued for Region H. All this together produces heavy hunting pressure for these deer. The mule deer in this area are historically trophy quality. It is time to manage this herd as a trophy unit and limit the number of hunters in the area. If the total number of hunters in Region G and Region H were reduced to less than 500, there would be far less hunting pressure on these animals. The remaining bucks in the area would have a greater chance of reaching their trophy potential as well as being able to cover all the available does to speed the replenishing of herd numbers.
3. Instigate mandatory harvest reporting for deer. Currently, the Wyoming Game and Fish does not require hunters to report any harvest data for deer. Mandatory harvest reporting would provide valuable information that could positively influence management decisions going forward.
4. Begin a feeding program for mule deer on particularly harsh winters. The state of Utah has begun feeding their mule deer on particularly harsh winters. They have been able to show concrete data indicating a drastic increase in survival rates with their feeding program. I think that it is time to put our money to work feeding these majestic animals when our winters are overwhelming for them.
5. We need to get very aggressive with the management of our predator population here in Wyoming. Coyotes, mountain lions and wolves all prey on deer. Limiting the numbers of those predators would help this herd recover more quickly.
Fundamentally, the Wyoming Game and Fish works for us, all of us. They are charged with managing and protecting our natural resource that is our wildlife. If we all get together and demand that they instigate these changes, I believe that they will. This herd is the last stronghold of public land mountain mule deer in the west, and they need our help. Please, call or email the Wyoming Game and Fish and ask that they take measures to protect this herd to the best of their ability. If we all have a unified voice, we can exact change.
At this time, we are not taking any more deposits for mule deer hunts. We need to be able to focus on our existing clients during this challenging time. We are committed to giving our booked clients the best hunting experience that we possibly can, and hope that the herd recovers quickly to a point that we feel comfortable opening up our bookings once again.