Wilderness touches the heart, mind and soul of each individual in a way known only to himself.
There is no other hunt on the planet that checks all the boxes like a Wyoming predator hunt. There are several hunts you should experience before you die and this is one of them. Our predator hunts are conducted in the game rich areas of Wyoming. These hunts target both wolves and coyotes. Many different tactics will be used including glassing, tracking, calling and pursuit. This is one of the most exhilarating hunts on the planet. Make no mistake, killing wolves on our winter grounds is the absolute pinnacle of challenge in North America. This hunt is high speed and high adventure in every way. It will test your skills to the maximum. Predator hunts are a combination of hunting and training (there’s no additional cost for training). It’s possible this is the most fun hunt on the planet. Warning, it’s also highly addictive! Predator control is imperative for healthy herds of deer, elk, antelope and moose and this hunt is a great way to responsibly manage our Wyoming big game herds and predators.
Training Available
Shooting (Long Range bolt gun or AR-10, close range AR-15 and pistol)
Winter Survival
Predator Calling
Skinning and Fleshing Pelts
Your hunting days will consist of calling set ups, tracking and pursuit. We will use a combination of snowmobiles, skis, snowshoes and horses to access the hunting grounds. During prime times and conditions we have called in as many as 5 coyotes at one time and a bolt gun is simply not fast enough for that many coyotes at once. Consequently, this is a perfect hunt to learn to master shooting an AR-15 with precision. Our personal best day of coyote hunting resulted in 26 coyotes, though conditions must be absolutely perfect for those numbers. Wolves are the hardest animals on the planet to consistently kill and conditions must also be perfect. Some hunters invest a lifetime for one shot at a wolf while others never get an opportunity. This hunt will prepare you for that one possible opportunity like no other. Wolves and coyotes are managed as predators in the Wyoming areas that we hunt, so there are no limits or tags required.
The 7 day Wolf Focus hunt will focus on killing wolves and coyotes will be secondary. For this hunt advanced snowmobiling skills are a must. We will be patterning and tracking the wolf packs, wolf singles and pairs in our areas. These wolves have winter circuits they travel that can be hundreds of miles and consist of high desserts and the rugged Wyoming high country. We will use primarily snowmobiles to hunt them. We will be using tracking, calling, spotting and pursuit on this hunt.
The 3 day Coyote Focus hunt will focus on killing coyotes and wolves will be secondary if the opportunity arises. No wolf opportunity will ever be passed up. We will access the hunt areas by snowmobile, skis, snowshoes and/or horses. All ages and all abilities can be successful on this hunt. The primary methods of hunting will be calling set ups and pursuit.